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Our Services

Analysis, Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Clinical Supervision and Consultation, Trauma Work


Psychoanalysis is a systematic attempt using depth psychology techniques to understand one’s personality with the aid of a guide bringing about optimal change over time.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is designed to reduce distress and conflict through the improvement of interactions between family members. It is recommended that  all affected family members are present; however, because this isn't always feasible the clinician can always start with willing members . The strength of family work is its open system approach. It is impossible for one member to start behaving differently without brining change to the entire system.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is the treatment of multiple patients at once by one or more clinician. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions including but not limited to emotional trauma, loss and grief, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), addiction, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).The strength of group therapy is in the normalization of the symptoms by the group members and the embrace of the community.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is useful for many types of situations that cause stress, anger, grief or conflict. In a comfortable, private setting, an individual and a therapist will explore many different important issues, including (but not limited to):

•    Expression of thoughts and emotions
•    Behavior patterns
•    Problem solving
•    Conflict resolution
•    Strengths and weaknesses

Individual therapy may be short-term (focusing on immediate issues) or long-term (delving into more complex problems).  It is an extremely tailored approach to treatment.

Couples Therapy

In couples therapy a clinician assists with problem resolution regarding the shaped habits between a couple that no longer serve them. It can also guide people to form new habits  for a thriving relationship. In such type of work the focus of treatment shifts from the individual  to the relationship .

Couple therapy can be a powerful way to change the course of a relationship so partners can be more fulfilled in the relationship by:


  • Improving communication skills

  • Strengthening bonds

  • Building (or rebuilding) trust

  • Correcting negative patterns

  • Establishing positive patterns

Clinical Supervision and Consultation

Supervision is a professional relationship between an individual entering the field of psychology and a supervisor. This process allows the individual to begin working with patients after completing their education, while the supervisor ensures that they are taking care of patients properly and following all ethical guidelines. Clinical supervision builds trust between the supervisor and the supervisee, allowing for a collaborative relationship in which the patient's care is jointly monitored. It is important for clinicians to go through the clinical supervision process to stay up to date on current treatment options, enhance growth, increase their skills, and adhere to all ethical standards.

Trauma Work

Trauma therapy refers to specific types of therapy geared toward treating the effects of trauma. Also called trauma-informed care, it’s more of an umbrella term that  brings more awareness to a person’s traumatic story and its effect on their mental wellness. Most of the new research indicates that trauma get stored in the body therefore bottom up techniques (using the body to impact the mind) such as EMDR, Sematic Experiencing and Brain Spotting can demonstrate better results in the treatment of trauma.

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